Happy New Year! Race weekend runners info, January newsletter #1.
Dear Cyprus Ultra runner, You are receiving this email as you are registered for the January 16th 2016, Universal Life Cyprus Ultra Marathon. Please note the following important notes to ensure you have a great race. 1) EVERY participant of Cyprus Ultra MUST download a race waiver form and medical questionnaire. NO COMPLETED FORMS = NO RACE = NO EXCEPTIONS! Please DO NOT turn up on race morning asking for the forms, these WILL NOT be available. It is your responsibility to visit the website, type in the password, download the forms, print and complete with a black ink pen. You can then either email the completed forms back to us at [email protected], or bring with you to the pre race safety briefing on Friday January 15th at 5 p.m. Location of race start, Vasa Kellakiou community centre, Limassol. Link for forms is here: http://www.cyprusultra.com/401/login.php?redirect=/race-waiver-forms.html Password is: See your email. 2) A reminder that to take part in Cyprus Ultra on January 16th, you must sign in at the admin office between 7 a.m. and 8 am. Location of race start, Vasa Kellakiou village community centre, Limassol. You will only then receive your race bib number which gives you access to the race. If you arrive later the 8 a.m. REGISTRATION WILL BE CLOSED AND YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ENTER THE RACE. NO EXCEPTIONS - THIS APPLIES TO EVERYONE! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! 3) PLEASE visit your race info page which we will continue to update until race day. http://www.cyprusultra.com/cyprus-ultra-races.html 4) Family and friends of runners, race support crews PLEASE NOTE: ONLY REGISTERED RUNNERS will be allowed onto the course, other members of the public are welcome to stay at the main base camp area where the runners pass through on each lap and finish their races. NO PACERS NO FAMILY OR SUPPORT CREW can enter onto the course to provide assistance to their runner. If a runner receives assistance from ANYONE other than official race marshals, this runner will be DISQUALIFIED. 5) Please also make sure you are also following our facebook page, or twitter account as this is updated daily with news about the race. The race will be broadcasted live on twitter throughout race weekend, 24 hours per day so friends and family can follow your progress around the world. Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/CyprusUltra/?ref=bookmarks _ Twitter: https://twitter.com/cyprusultra 6) VERY IMPORTANT: Some of you registered under one email address and paid for multiple runners. WE DO NOT HAVE THEIR EMAIL ADDRESSES. Please forward this email to all your runners (teams) and remind them about the race waiver and medical form requirements. If you have any questions at any time, please email [email protected] or call +357 95508007. Best wishes from all the team at Cyprus Ultra. Comments are closed.